Sunday 15 February 2015

10 Common Child Behavior Problems and Their Solutions

There are some behavior problems that almost every child exhibits at one time or another. Matching those behaviors to the best discipline strategies can resolve these behaviors before they become even bigger problems.





1. Lying

    Some common causes of lying in school-age children:
  • Wishful imaginative play
  • Fear of punishment
  • A desire to brag to friends/classmates to boost status and impress them
  • To avoid something they don’t want to do (such as clean up toys)
  • A desire to not disappoint parents when expectations are too high
  • Unhappiness with something in their lives                                                                                      An attempt to get attention If lies aren’t addressed appropriately, lying can turn into a bad habit for your child. When you catch your child in a lie, respond in a calm but direct manner and encourage your child to tell the truth.                                                                                                                  
                    Tips for Handling lieing children
  • Get to the root cause of the lie.
  • Do not make kids feel like they cannot come to you.
  • Give your child consequences, rather than punishment. 
  • Do not call your child a liar. 
  • Be clear about your expectations.
  • Assess your own behavior when it comes to telling the truth.
  • Talk about the effect lying can have on relationships.   

2. Defiance

It’s frustrating when a child refuses to follow directions, especially when he outright says “No!” when you tell him to do something. However, it’s normal for kids to test limits at one time or another. Sometimes defiance stems from a child testing your reaction, while other defiant behaviors may signal a child’s attempts to assert his independence. Preschoolers and tweens are especially likely to behave defiantly.
Handling children with defiance
  • Get to the root of his behavior.
  • Set your child up for good behavior.  
  • Treat your child as you would want to be treated.
  • Take advantage of her verbal skills.
  • Establish absolute ground rules.
  • Compromise when you can.
  • Discuss options.   

3. TV and Electronics Addiction

Many children in today’s world would sit in front of the TV or a video game system all day if they could. However, it’s not healthy for them physically or mentally
Getting them to play outside or get involved in other activities can seem like a battle at first. However, it’s important to establish healthy habits for them during childhood that will carry over into their adult lives.

4. Food-Related Problems

Food-related issues can lead to a lot of behavior problems. Whether you’ve got a picky eater or a child who always claims to be hungry, food-related issues can lead to power struggles if you’re not careful. With so much emphasis on being thin combined with an epidemic of obesity, it’s important to help kids develop a healthy attitude about food.

5. How to Handle a Child Who is Talking Back
One of the biggest child discipline issues parents have to handle is how to deal with a child who is talking back to them. Back talk can happen at almost any age, starting as almost as early as when kids first begin to master their first "No!" It’s a normal part of child development.
Talking back can also be triggered by a variety of causes. It can stem from a child trying to exert control over his own life such as what he wears, eats, or does. It could be a child’s way of testing his boundaries. Or it could simply be grouchiness from being hungry or tired.

Here are some suggestions for how to handle talking back in kids:

  • Get calm; stay calm.
  • Don’t get into a war of words.
  • Remind yourself that this is a natural part of development.
  • Keep track of when back talk happens.
  • Give and ask for respect.
  • Show your child that you are listening.
  • Look at what your child sees.      

    6. Whining

    Whining is a behavior that can become a terribly bad habit for a child, especially if it is an effective means for getting him what he wants. Whining can have a lot of social consequences for children, however.

    Smart Strategies to Stop Whining in Children

  •  Adjust the way you view whining.
  • Consider what may be triggering this behavior.
  • Call out the whining.
  • Make it clear that whining is not acceptable.
  • Do not give in    
  • Be consistent. 

7. Impulsive Behavior

Impulsive behavior comes in many forms. Young children tend to be physically impulsive. They’re more likely to hit, push or grab something without thinking.
Older children and teens should have better control over their physical impulses, but are often still verbally impulsive. They may say things without thinking and may have trouble controlling their emotions.

8. Bedtime Behavior Problems

Whether your child refuses to stay in bed, won’t go to sleep, or insists on sleeping with you, bedtime behavior problems are common. If you don’t fix them, they can get worse over time, which can have serious consequences for your child. A lack of sleep can lead to increased behavior problems and academic issues.

9. Aggression

Aggression can range from a child throwing his math book when he doesn’t want to do his homework to outright punching his brother when he’s mad. Usually, aggressive behavior is common at one time or another and should subside as a child learns impulse control. However, there are times when aggression indicates that you should seek professional help for your child’s behavior.

10. Temper Tantrums

Temper tantrums are most common in toddlers and preschoolers. Sometimes they occur when a child isn’t sure how to manage his anger and at other times, they serve as a manipulation technique. Sometimes kids throw tantrums to gain attention or to try and get what they want.
Sometimes older kids exhibit temper tantrums as well. Grade school children, tweens and sometimes even teens, may sulk, stomp their feet or scream when they get angry. Take action to curb these annoying behaviors as soon as possible.

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