Tuesday 8 December 2015

The Nursery and Year one's class field trip

The Nursery and Year 1 class visited Shodex  Gardens, Anthony for the term's field trip. They were taken to the garden were they were taught  about different plants, their features and their names.

They were later taken to the Mini zoo where they were showed different animals like  Monkey, Baboon, Crocodile, Monitor Lizard, Rabbit, Guinea Pig Tortoise , Turtle and so on. They were later taken to the birds section were they were showed the Ostrich, Goose, Parrots, Peacock, Pigeon e.t.c

 They were also taken to the fish section where they saw the Catfish, Star fish, Gold fish, Electric Fish, Tilapia fish e.t.c.

Enjoy the pictures below

Photo credit : Michael Teniola

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