Thursday 1 December 2016

Don - Isah - Peter King - A Year 5 pupil of Distinct Star Schools, Magodo Invented an Electric Paper Bulb.

Kids can be incredibly creative and inventive. Some follow up their ideas until it develops  into astounding business opportunities.
Young Don - Isah - Peter King a Year 5 pupil of Distinct Star Schools, Magodo, Lagos is 10 years old. He made fun of a broken Christmas light he saw in his class waste bin, telling his friends that if only the bulbs were made from paper, they wouldn't break. However, his class teacher Mr. Fasanya overheard him and encouraged Don - Isah to work on the idea.

Don thought to himself " Why can't we have smaller drug cartons recycled as bulbs instead of the glassy ones?" Not only would this make the cartons useful, but it would also make the room more beautiful

After Don Isah had spent some time experimenting, he came up with a used medicine carton with a bulb wired inside it. He presented the idea to his classmates; Nwachukwu Zuriel, Ofulue Amaka and Adeola Funto who applauded his effort and encouraged him to improve on his invention.

Like most young inventors, Don-Isah already has his eyes on a career of choice. He desires to be a world renowned pilot!

Primary Field Trip to Lekki Conservation Centre, Lagos.

The primary pupils went on a field trip to Lekki Conservation Centre. They were able to enjoy nature and see different types of animals in their natural habitat. They were shown varieties of amusing things like a tree house, colourful fishes from different part of the world, they also played the chess game on one of the biggest chess board in Africa. Some of the pupils were able  play the Ludo game on a very large Ludo floor, as they struggle to roll a big die of the Ludo. They were also shown the longest Canopy Walkway in the Africa and some other interesting things.

See pictures below: